Whenever client sends request to server for the first
time server will process the client request ,allot some memory .To this client
known as Session and a unique Id is given known as SessionId.Then Every time
response from the server ,request form the client will be transferred using
this Id.
Example to work WithSession:-
Create Two WebPages SourceS.aspx,TargetS.aspx
Design SourceS.aspx by taking a Textbox & a Button like
Set the following Properties for theTextBox1
Set the following Properties for the Button1
Goto Source and write the Following Code in btnSubmit Click Event:-
Design TargetS.aspx by taking a GridView like
S1:-client sends the request to the
server for the first time.
S2:-server will process the client request,
allot memory to the client known as Session. unique id is given i.e.,SessionId
S3:-Response is delivered to the
client along with SessionId.
S4:-client will send the next request
along with Session Id.
- As long as client working with the server the request & response will be transferred using the same session Id.
- When session is destroyed at Server Session Id will also Destroyed.
- A Session is destroyed in two situations
- When session timeout period completes
- When we kill the session programmatically using Session.Abandon().
- Default timeout period of a session is “20” minutes.
- In general a session is local to particular client.
- The session data of any session is accessible to particular client by whom it is created in general any client cannot access other clients session data.
- A session Id is “120 bits/15 bytes” key maximum sessions are created at server are 2120
- Within this session we can create variables called session variable
To create Session Variables we use the Syntax like:-
Sy:- Session[“Variable Name”]=Data;
Ex:- Session[“a”]=20;
Methods with Session Object:-
access Session variables we use Index value or variable name like:-
- Session variables will store the data & Return the data with object type .
- Session can store any amount of data in general there is no restriction for the memory of the session
- For each browser request sent from a single machine a separate session will be created at Server side.
Properties with Session :-[1] Abandon() : - used to kill the Session programmatically
[1] SessionId : -This is Readonly property which returns the session Id of current Session“Session Id is 120 bit code” automatically generated by server.
Design SourceS.aspx by taking a Textbox & a Button like
ID --- txtEmpId
Set the following Properties for the Button1
ID --- btnSubmit
Name --- Submit
Goto Source and write the Following Code in btnSubmit Click Event:-
protected void
btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
= txtEmpId.Text;
Design TargetS.aspx by taking a GridView like
Goto Source and write the following code in
Page Load Event of TargetS.aspx
public partial
class TargetSs
: System.Web.UI.Page
SqlConnection Con = new
SqlDataAdapter Da;
void Page_Load(object
sender, EventArgs e)
string q = "Select
* from EmpDetails where EmpId=" + Session["EmpId"].ToString();
Da = new SqlDataAdapter(q, Con);
Ds = new DataSet();
GridView1.DataSource = Ds.Tables[0];
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