Examples to work With Cookes:-


Create two WebPages Source.aspx & Target.Aspx

Design Source.aspx by taking a Button

Set the following Properties for the Button1
ID                  ---        btnSubmit
Name             ---        Submit
Goto Source and write the Following Code in btnSubmit Click Event:-

protected void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        HttpCookie obj1 = new HttpCookie("a");
        HttpCookie obj2 = new HttpCookie("b");
        HttpCookie obj3 = new HttpCookie("UName");
        obj1.Value = "99";
        obj2.Value = "99.9";
        obj3.Value = "sampath";

Design Target.aspx by taking 3 TextBoxes Like
Set the following Properties for the TextBox1

            ID                    ---        txtSample1

Set the following Properties for the TextBox2

            ID                    ---        txtSample2
 Set the following Properties for the TextBox3

           ID                    ---        txtUName

Goto Source and write the following code in Page_Load Event

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        txtSample1.Text = Request.Cookies["a"].Value;
        txtSample2.Text = Request.Cookies["b"].Value;
        txtUName.Text = Request.Cookies["UName"].Value;


  • Create Two WebPages Default2.aspx,Defaut3.aspx
  • Design Default2.aspx by taking a Textbox & a Button like

Set the following Properties for theTextBox1
ID                    ---        txtEmpId
Set the following Properties for the Button1
ID                  ---        btnSubmit
Name             ---        Submit
Goto Source and write the Following Code in btnSubmit Click Event:-
protected void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        HttpCookie obj1 = new HttpCookie("EmpId");
        obj1.Value = txtEmpId.Text;

Design Default3.aspx by taking a GridView like

Run the Application & Check

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