Example to call a Function from the click Event of a Button
Create a New Webpage Design the Webpage
Select the Button
submit ---- Go to properties window ----Click on Events Button ----Go to click Event,
type F1 press enter key ---- Write the following code
public partial
class CallFunBtn
: System.Web.UI.Page
void Page_Load(object
sender, EventArgs e)
void F1(object
sender, EventArgs e)
txtSample.Text = "Welcome Sampath ";
Run the WebPage & Check
Example to call A Function
from two or more Buttons
Create A New Webpage,
Design the Webpage
- Select the Button1 ---- Go to properties window ---- click on Events Button ----Go to click Event ----Type the Function name F1 ---- Double Click -----It will generate the following function
- Switch to design view ---- select the Button 2 ---- go to properties window ----click on Events Button ----go to click Event -----Type the Function name F1 ----Double Click on it ---write the following code
protected void
F1(object sender, EventArgs
txtSample.Text = "Welcome";
- Here in the above example, if the user click on Button B1 or Button B2 same task will be performed but we want to perform different task, when user clicks on B1 and B2 Buttons, By calling the same Function for this purpose we use Command Name property but Command Name property not support by click Event and support by CommandEvent so we call the Function F1 from Command Event of both the Button and perform different task
Example to
perform different tasks by calling the same Function from two or more Buttons:
Create a New web page, Design the Webpage
- Select the btnWelcome --- Go to properties window --- Type ‘Wel’ in CommandName property
- Click on Events Button ---Go to Command Event Type “F1” press enter key
- Select the Button btnHellow--- Go to properties window --- Type ‘Hel’ in Command name property
- Go to CommandEvent type the Function name ‘F1’ --- Double Click there
protected void
F1(object sender, CommandEventArgs
(e.CommandName == "Wel")
txtSample.Text = "Welcome";
else if (e.CommandName == "Hel")
txtSample.Text = "Hellow";
Run the WebPage & Check
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