Example with CommandName
Create the webpage and
design the web page
- Set the following properties---- selects the Button btnAdd----Go to properties window, type Add in CommandName property
- select Button btnSubtract ----Go to properties window, type Subtract in Command Name property
- select Button btnMultiply----Go to properties window, type Multiply in CommandName property
- select Button btnDivide ----Go to properties window, type Divide in CommandName property
- Call the same Function F1( ) from all Buttons(i.e.,btnAdd,btnSubtract,btnMultiply,btnDivision) Command Event ---- write the following code
protected void
F1(object sender, CommandEventArgs
int a,b,c=0;
b = Convert.ToInt32(txtNum2.Text);
if (e.CommandName == "Add")
c = a
+ b;
else if
(e.CommandArgument == "Subtract")
c = a
- b;
else if
(e.CommandName == "Multiply")
c = a
* b;
else if
(e.CommandName == "Division")
c = a
txtResult.Text = c.ToString();
Run the Webpage & Check
Example with CommandArgument
Create the web page & Design the web page
- Select the Button btnSubmit
- Go to properties window, type Sampath in CommandArgument property
- Click on Events Button
- Double click on CommandEvent & write the following code
using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
public partial class CommandArgument : System.Web.UI.Page
void Page_Load(object
sender, EventArgs e)
void btnSubmit_Command(object sender, CommandEventArgs
txtSample.Text =
Example to work with on OnClientClick Property:-
- Select btnSubmit Go to Properties window
- Go to OnClientClick property
- Type the Function name F1( )
- Go to source part and Writethe following code Before </head> tag
<script type="text/javascript">
Function F1()
PostBack nature of the web page in ASP.NET
- In general when user types the request for any web page from the browser window by typing the required URL address, we call this as 1st request for the web page
- User may click on any Button or other Controls of the page then page request will be resubmitted as PostBack
- This result will called as PostBack request and the nature called PostBack nature of the web page
- To identify whether the request 1st request or PostBack request, we use the property of the web page ‘Is PostBack’
- This property is a Boolean property stores false at 1st request and true at PostBack Request
Example with PostBack nature
Create a New Web Page ,Design the Webpage
- Goto Source & write the following code in Page_Load Event and Button_Click Event
protected void
Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
Response.Write("Welcome from PageLoad");
protected void btn_Click(object
sender, EventArgs e)
Response.Write("Hellow from Button Click");
- If we want to display Welcome only at first Request & don’t want to run PageLoad Event code at PostBack .We Modify the Code Like:--
protected void
Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
Response.Write("Welcome from PageLoad");
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