Types of Properties

C#.NET will support three types of properties. ,
1.     Read only Property
2.     Write only Proper
3.     Read Write Property
 1) Read only Property

  • This property is used to read the data from the Data field
  • We can’t write the Data into data field using this property
  • This property will contain only one accessor i.e., get Accessor

Syntax :-
Access Modifier Data Type Property Name

           return Data Filed Name;


2) Write only Property :-

  • This is used to write the data into Data field of a class
  • Using this property, we can’t read the data from the data field
  • This property will contain only one accessor i.e. set accessor

Access Modifier Data Type Property Name

             Data Field Name=value;


3) Read Write Property :-

  • This is used to read the data from the Data Field and to write the Data into the Data Field
  • This property will contain two accessors  i.e. get and set
Syntax :-

Access Modifier Data Property Name
               Data Filed Name=value;

                 return Data Filed Name;


  • Whenever, we create property, the Data type of a property must and should be same as the Data type of the Data field into which we want to transfer the data
  • A property can never accept Arguments
  • Declaration of variables or writing the code outside the accessors within the property is prohibited
Advantages of Properties
  • Properties will provide abstraction to the Data fields
  • Properties will provide security to the Data fields
  • Properties can be used to validate the data before allowing a change
 Symmetric and Asymmetric Accessors

By default Accessors of Assessors is same as the Accessibility of the property


           public int PEmpId
                         return EmpId;

  • In the above property, property PEmpId is declared as public, so set and get will be public
  • If property is private, then set and get will be private
  • Symmetric Assessors: If the accessibility of the Accessors are same, then accessors are known as Symmetric Accessors
  • Asymmetric Accessors: If the Accessibility of the Accessors is not same, then Assessors are known as Asymmetric

       public int PEmpId
                protected set
                      return EmpId;

  • In the above example set is protected and get is public. So they are known as Asymmetric
  • In general Asymmetric accessors are used in Inheritance process
  • We can also write the Read Only Property using two accessors like
     public int PEmpId
           private get
                  return EmpId;

We can also write the Write Only property using two accessors like........

    public int PEmpId
          private set
                 return EmpId;

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