- This Control is used to compare the data entered by user is within the specified Range or Not ?
- If Data Entered by user is within specified Range then RangeValidator will return true to the Webpage otherwise will return false to the webpage.
Properties with RangeValidator:-
1) ControlToValidate
2) ErrorMessage
3) Text
4) ValidationGroup
5) MinimumValue
6) MaximumVallue
7) Type(options:[String(Default/Integer/Double/Date/Currency)])
8) CausesValidation
5)Minimum Value:-Used to set or get the least value that is to be compared with
6)Maximum Value:-used to set or get highest value up to where it is to be compared.
Example with RangeValidator:-
Validations to
be performed:-
Age should be from 35to 55 years only
Create a new Webpage, Design the Webpage
Set the following properties to RangeValidator1:-
ID --- RV1ContrrolToCompare --- txtAgeText --- Age Should be 35 to 55MinimumValue --- 35MaximumValue --- 55Type --- Integer
Write the
following code in Submit Button:-
protected void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs
lblDisplay.Text = "Page
a new web page& design the WebPage
ID --- RF1ControlToValidate --- txtPasswordText --- Enter UserName
Set the following properties for the RequiredFieldValidator2:-
ID --- RF2ControlToValidate --- txtPasswordText --- Enter the Password
- create a link to other page from new user link Button(Default.aspx)
- Write the following code in Login Button Click Event
Run The Application and Check
- If existing user clicks on LoginButtton without entering Username or Password then validation Control will work and message will be display like Enter Username, Enter Password.
- But if a new user is coming and clicking on new UserLinkButton then also it will prompted (asked) to enter Username ,Password.
- That means in this page when user clicked on Login Button then only validation should be performed & if user clicks on New User Link Button then validations should not be performed.
- For this purpose we use a property with ASP.Net standard Controls i.e., Causes Validation.
- When for any Control Causes Validation is set “True” .Then validation Controls will perform the validations otherwise when set to “False” & when user clicks on Control validation Control do not perform any validations.
- To solve the above problem select New User Link Button
- Go to properties set CausesValidation to False.
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